All Review/카드735 Daryl - Does the Full Monte Daryl - Does the Full MonteTo convey the value of the information you are about to learn, I believe that we can do no better than to quote the infamous S.W. Erdnase from his classic book, The Expert at the Card Table - "But there is not a single card feat in the whole calendar that will give as good returns for the amount of practice required, or that will mystify as greatly, or cause as much am.. 2016. 7. 7. Daryl - Encyclopedia of Card Sleights Vol 1 ~ 8 Daryl - Encyclopedia of Card Sleights Vol 1 ~ 8Vol 1 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol2 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol3 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol4 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol5 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol6 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol7 상세정보 - 클릭 -Vol8 상세정보 - 클릭 - 2016. 7. 7. Daryl - Card Revelations Vol 1 ~ 3 Daryl - Card Revelations Vol 1 ~ 3Vol 1Daryl – World Champion Magician and sleight of hand artist extraordinaire brings you the first in a series of videos teaching the finest methods for revealing selected cards. Daryl has extensively researched literally hundreds of magic books, magazines and lectures notes to seek out and bring you the finest card revelations available. Here he presents 23 of.. 2016. 7. 7. David Kong - Mercury David Kong - Mercury The Effect You cleanly show 4 cards to the spectators to be the four aces. You close the spread and without a single move, you spread the cards again to reveal one of them has turned face down. You close them, and once again spread them to reveal that the second Ace has turned face down. You continue this until all 4 Aces have magically turned face down in your hands. Amazin.. 2016. 7. 7. Brad Christian - Kard Klub Vol 1 ~ 2 Brad Christian - Kard Klub Vol 1 ~ 2Powerful card tricks, such as Two Card Monte and Card to PocketKard Klub teaches the confidence, the art, and the showmanship you need. Sleights and moves are deciphered and broken down into flawless training that allows you to virtually control the reactions when performing on the street.Vol1During Part 1 of Kard Klub you will learn moves that make you smooth.. 2016. 7. 7. Justin Miller - Army Of 52 Justin Miller - Army Of 52DEMO PART 1DEMO PART 2Brad Christian shares his ideas for the new RED GAFF deck WHY MUST I OWN THIS ARMY DVD? If you don't, you're missing out. Along with Close Up Artist Justin Miller guides you through every toss and turn, nook and cranny, gully, hill, and valley imaginable. By the time we finish with you, you'll know so much about gaff cards and how to use them with .. 2016. 7. 4. Parth Dalal - AXIS Change Parth Dalal - AXIS ChangeThe AXIS color change by Parth Dalal fulfills all of the requirements a serious performer would appreciate in an effective, ultra-visual, high-impact color change. It’s one fluid motion that produces a result.Also use as a force, card control, or as a beautiful, fast card change Angles are better than the Spin Change, touchier than the Erdnase Everything is taught and di.. 2016. 7. 4. Aldo Colombini - Fireworks Aldo Colombini - FireworksThe most popular card routine used by professionals to get audiences involved is a multiple selection and revelation routine. On this DVD Aldo Colombini tips all the work for his version of this classic plot where twelve audience members select cards and you find them using flashy and impossible revelations. The impromptu routine can be used as part of a show or an enti.. 2016. 7. 4. Richard Sanders - Switch Places Aces Richard Sanders - Switch Places Aces Switch Places Aces - V... A nice trick where the aces tran...Richard Sanders的一个扑克流程。效果很不错的扑克流程。。。观众选随便两个牌出来,魔术师洗一下牌之后。向观众展示牌面的两张牌是红心ACE和黑桃ACE,然后魔术师把红心A不完全插到牌叠的中间位置,然后snap,红心A跑到牌面来了,而插在中间那个牌变成了黑桃A,然后第二次,红心A跟黑桃A都在牌面,然后把黑桃A拿在右手,红心A放在整副牌的上面拿在左手,晃一晃,红心A跟黑桃A的位置互换了。。。最后把两个ACE变成观众选的那两个牌。。。。手法还不错。。。。。 2016. 7. 4. 이전 1 ··· 77 78 79 80 81 82 다음