All Review/카드
Daryl - Card Revelations Vol 1 ~ 3
by rnsqkfdlsla
2016. 7. 7.
Daryl - Card Revelations Vol 1 ~ 3

Vol 1
Daryl – World Champion Magician and sleight of hand artist extraordinaire brings you the first in a series of videos teaching the finest methods for revealing selected cards. Daryl has extensively researched literally hundreds of magic books, magazines and lectures notes to seek out and bring you the finest card revelations available. Here he presents 23 of the very best. The extra time and attention Daryl pays to giving you the details will make your learning experience as easy and effective as possible. You’re in for a treat !
Chicago Opener (Frank EVERHART)
Happy Birthday Card (Daryl)
Himber’s Name Cards (Richard HIMBER)
Boston’s Card Stab (George BOSTON & Daryl)
Poker Voice / Lie Detector (Al BAKER)
Circus Card Trick
Skullocation (Qtuart JUDAH)
Moving Pencil (Harry LORAYNE)
Secret Mathematician (Findley)
Face Up Locator
Psychological Force
Card At Selected Number
Spectator Stop
Simple Mind Reading
Business Card Prophecy (Bill SIMON)
Rising Aces (Marconick)
21 Force
Pivot Revelation #1 (Bruce CERVON)
Long Distance Spinner (Audley WALSH)
Knock Out
Gag Sandwich
Vol 2
Daryl is world renowned as both « The Magician’s Magician » and one of the finest teachers of magic ever. He has taught many thousand of magicians worldwide, and now you have the chance to learn 30 of the greatest impromptu methods for revealing previously selected cards. Included among the dozens of stunning revelations are some self-working mysteries and even methods where the spectators locate and discover their own cards ! Every item is 100% practical, commercial and certain to add amazing impact to your magic performances.
Sandwich #3 (Larry JENNINGS)
Spectator Makes a Sandwich (Daryl)
Two Card Stab
Biddled Across (Elmer BIDDLE)
Fan See Card (Mary KINSON)
Rosini Surprise Stab (Paul ROSINI)
Open Sesame (Derek DINGLE)
Zombie Card Rise (Eddie WARD)
Bullet Trick (Peter KANE & Ken KRENZEL)
Dunbury Delusion (Charlie MILLER)
Two Cards in the Eyeglasses (Daryl)
”Say It Over And Over In Your Mind”
No Palm Card through Handkerchief (Daryl)
The Nose Knows (Karrell FOX)
Kick Back Card Discovery
Pop Out Move (Piet FORTON)
Spectator Finds the Ace
Nothing to Do (Paul MORRIS)
”The Question Is …” (Karrell FOX)
Fortune Telling Fish (Daryl)
The Australian Sixes (Ronald WOHL)
Card in the Card Box (Matt SCHULIEN & Ed MARLO)
Spelling a Card (Larry GRAY)
Whispering Queen
The End Stab
Homing Card
The Fingerprint Card Trick (Dai VERNON)
Center Pivot Out
Double Pivot Out
The Psychic Stop
Vol 3
The table of contents says it all! This is a truly amazing video which contains 36 dynamic methods for revealing selected cards. There are a tremendous variety of magical masterpieces here, from easy to more technically challenging and each is explained step by step in great detail. You’ll be amazed at how many of these can be added to your performing repertoire immediately. It’s all here and taught by one of the finest card magician’s in the world ! Daryl’s Card Revelations is a must for every magician’s library.
Tip-Over Change
The 3 ½ of Clubs (Karl FULVES)
Triumph (Dai VERNON & Tenkai)
Card Detected by Pulse Beat (Conrad RHEINER)
Any Number Down
Double Count
Card Stab Through Newspaper
The Magic Thrust (Ted ANNEMANN)
Card Penetration and Change (Cy ENDFIELD)
A “Sense of Touch” Discovery
Hit the deck
Cocktail Cards (Dai VERNON)
Card in the Hat (Larry JENNINGS & Daryl)
An Impromptu Rising Card Effect (Paul LEPAUL)
”I’m Sitting On It !” (Karrell FOX)
Ashes on th Arm
Red Tape (Ken BROOKE)
Process of elimination
Card Caught in Midair
Cut the Cards (Matt SCHULIEN)
Chosen Card Up Sleeve
Through the Table (Johnny BENZAIS)
Plunger Discovery (Howard SCHWARTZMAN & Ken RENZEL)
Crystal Ball
Magnetic Knife
The Gun Trick (Steve BLENCOE)
Simple reverse
Slide revelation
Spell it
Spring card revelation
Popover Moke (J.K. HARTMAN)
Gymnastic Aces (Paul LEPAUL)
Flip Up Card (Joe BOERG)
Flip Up Card Surprise ! (Daryl)
Big Card or Little Card (Daryl)
Self-Cuting Deck (Fenn & Jordan)