All Review/클로즈업 & 스트릿1930 Pierre Sika - La magie au pourboire Pierre Sika - La magie au pourboire Imaginez, vous êtes au restaurant avec des amis en train de refaire le monde, soudain un homme en costard vient vous aborder et vous fait quelques tours de magie. - Lui laisseriez-vous un pourboire ? - Et si oui, de combien ? Maintenant, vous êtes cet homme en costard comment allez-vous aborder cette table d'amis qui discutent et rigolent entre eux ? Comment l.. 2021. 7. 17. Alain Simonov & Shin Lim - Air Alain Simonov & Shin Lim - Air Air by Alain Simonov is more than just a one trick pony. It's a tool that will allow you to perform countless effects combined with different applications and objects. Cards, coins, money, poker chips, the list goes on. Because of its easy accessibility and usability, Air can be easily applied to your current routine. Both Shin and Alain's goal of this project is t.. 2021. 7. 17. Cameron Francis - Threes Cameron Francis - Threes A BBM EXCLUSIVE VIDEO DOWNLOAD - A totally impromptu, multi-phased, packet trick that uses only standard playing cards! No gaffs, no duplicates, no hard moves! All you need to do is grab seven cards out of any deck, and you are ready to go! Grab this download video today and learn this beauty instantly. PHASE #1 - The magician shows a packet of five face down cards, the .. 2021. 7. 17. N2G - Condom to Card N2G - Condom to Card Imagine the moment when you take a condom out of your pocket, how embarrassed ladies would be! Without any cover, this condom will turn into a card! What attracts an audience is that spectator's can sign their names on the card. In fact, this kind of card can be used in performing various kinds of card-magic. First you can give an envelope to your audience and tell them that.. 2021. 7. 16. Hondo - Modern Flap Card Hondo - Modern Flap Card The Flap Card was first introduced in 1922, in Professor R. Kunard’s Book of Card Tricks. In the decades since, it has become a staple in the routines of magicians worldwide, used to produce all sorts of stunning effects. However, limitations of the original 1922 design constrain these performances: magicians must precisely position their audience, keep constant pressure.. 2021. 7. 16. Guillaume Botta - Chance Guillaume Botta - Chance À partir d’un jeu mélangé, le spectateur choisit une carte au hasard et la place à l’écart, identité gardée secrète. 1er effet : le magicien évoque la chance et coupe le jeu au hasard d’une seule main. Il tombe ainsi sur le deux de coeur. On pourrait croire à un hasard… Mais la carte choisie par le spectateur se révèle être le deux de carreaux, la jumelle. Le hasard devi.. 2021. 7. 16. Liam Montier - Master The Double Undercut Liam Montier - Master The Double Undercut A BBM EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD VIDEO - The Double Undercut is a ridiculously powerful move. Seriously. You may think you know it, BUT it can be used for far more than people realise. Controls, displacements, false cuts, stock controls - you can get a lot of mileage from ONE super simple sleight. Join Liam and learn how to do this technique RIGHT. This massive .. 2021. 7. 16. Mario Tarasini - Card Flex Mario Tarasini - Card Flex The storyline is ready made. Ask people if they've seen illusions on TV. Particularly that Zig-zag trick where the magician pulls the girls middle away from her body. It's that same trick... but close up. Tell them you don't have any big boxes, but you want to show them that trick anyway. You thought you could probably use their bill (Yes, you can use ANY BORROWED BILL.. 2021. 7. 16. Mario Tarasini - No Contact Mario Tarasini - No Contact The “No Contact” trick is very relevant for this period. The magician makes a hole in the spectator's card, puts it on the table and hole magically jumps to the other side of the card. After an effect, the magician can give the card to the spectator as a souvenir. 2021. 7. 14. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 215 다음