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Dirk Losander - A Day With Salvano Dirk Losander - A Day With SalvanoLosander is very proud to present the first of his Recollection Series, Salvano, a real Master of the Art of Magic. Losander spent a day with him filled with magic and stories from his life. All of the shown effects are for the audience real miracles. You will see a manipulation routine with cigarettes and a billiard ball, a salt routine, a silk routine with a n.. 2016. 7. 30.
Bob White - Torn And Restored Tissue Bob White - Torn And Restored Tissue The Torn and Restored Tissue Paper has been the closing effect for Bob White's banquet program for over forty years. It never fails to get a terrific response from the audience. Because of its impromptu nature and the false explanation as to "how it's done," this charming swindle always catches the spectators off-guard. This DVD presents a practical routine w.. 2016. 7. 30.
Tony Slydini - As I Recall Vol 1 ~ 2 Tony Slydini - As I Recall Vol 1 ~ 2 Slydini's students pay tribute to the man, the mentor, and the magic. They recall some of their most cherished moments with the master and perform their favorite effects, keeping his legacy alive."As I Recall..." A note from the producers: We would like to boast that (to our knowledge, at the time of this DVD set's release) we have collected the most footage .. 2016. 7. 30.
Axel Hecklau - Newsflash 2.0 Axel Hecklau - Newsflash 2.0Die nochmals verbesserte, optimierte und erweiterte Version des Zeitungszerreissens von Axel Hecklau. Sie blättern eine Zeitung bestehend aus 8 Seiten (2 Doppelseitenblätter) vor und zerreissen sie drei Mal ohne Anstrengungen. Nun legen Sie die einzelnen Stücke einfach aufeinander und ohne irgendeine verdächtige Bewegung, restaurieren Sie die zerstörte Zeitung wieder .. 2016. 7. 30.
Dick Losander - The Floating Table Dick Losander - The Floating Table 20 years ago Losander created his famous The Floating Table. It is the best Floating Table you have ever seen. A solid table, which is used during the show to hold your props, begins to rise, starts floating and a volunteer can even examine the table while it floats. The usual statement Losander gets after showing this amazing table in front of Magicians is, "T.. 2016. 7. 30.
Francis Menotti - The Treachery of Tricks Vol 1 ~ 2 Francis Menotti - The Treachery of Tricks Vol 1 ~ 2 An arsenal of SIX commercial, professional, FULL routines from an evil mastermind.“Francis Menotti is a clever, clever man and I will eagerly devour anything that he is willing to share.”-Kevin James“Francis always has the knack to twist my brain… A pure joy to any creative lover of our Art.” -Gaetan Bloom“Francis Menotti is the rare performer .. 2016. 7. 30.
Rocco - Parlour Magic Rocco - Parlour MagicRocco performs and teaches Slydini's Torn and Restored Newspaper, Slydini's Linking Pins, Slydini's knotted Handkerchiefs, torn and restored cigarette paper, and a few other jaw dropping effects.See Rocco perform Slydini's Torn and Restored Newspaper, Slydini's Linking Pins, Slydini's knotted Handkerchiefs, torn and restored cigarette paper, and a few other jaw dropping effe.. 2016. 7. 30.
Jeff Hobson - Mysteries Vol 1 ~ 2 Jeff Hobson - Mysteries Vol 1 ~ 215 Commercial Routines Featuring the Secrets of Hobson's Famous Watch Steal - Over three hours of footage - Full explanations of all effects - Hobson's secrets of his famous Watch Steal - Fifteen commercial routines full of comedy and visuals - Bonus footage of Hobson's Salt Pour act from 1981 Featuring 15 commercial effects, our Hobson: Fabulous Mysteries 2-DVD .. 2016. 7. 30.
Jim Pace - Spring Puppets Alive Jim Pace - Spring Puppets Alive How many of you have a "Rocky Racoon" spring animal sitting in a drawer somewhere feeling neglected? Like many people, you've probably seen Rocky featured on television, enticing audiences into non-stop laughter. Well, at last Jim Pace has come to the rescue with Make Your Spring Puppets Alive - The Training DVD! No longer will your prop be just a bedspring with f.. 2016. 7. 30.