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Live Magic - Acrobatics Of Cards Live Magic - Acrobatics Of Cards粘立人 - 紙牌特技 (Acrobatics Of Cards)紙牌特技」會教您由最基本的不同開扇技巧開始,至整套空手出牌的表演流程等。紙牌特技 中包括了以下內容: Thumb Fan One Handed Fan Circular Fan Back Palm Single Card Production Split Fan Production Bottom Steal Two Handed Steal One Handed Steal Card Clip Supplement Pass Hand Supplement Continuous Production Cards from Mouth Cards from Ear One to Three Fans S Fan Cards from Silk #1 Cards.. 2016. 7. 28.
Duane Laflin - Wonderful Silk Magic Duane Laflin - Wonderful Silk Magic Slikck Silk Magic by Duane Laflin Recoreded live at the Texas Association of Magicians convention in San Antonio, Texas. Hear the laughter and surprise of the audience as they watch the performance of many different routines. Also included are complete explanations of the routines used. Four sq Blendo Using Open Top Tables Working with Hank Balls & Dye Tubes A.. 2016. 7. 28.
Duane Laflin - Laughs & Lessons with Silk Magic Duane Laflin - Laughs & Lessons with Silk Magic( 여러 루틴의 실크 매직 ) 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 마술렉처 렉처 2016. 7. 28.
Duane Laflin - Fun And Funny Silk Magic Duane Laflin - Fun And Funny Silk Magic( 여러 루틴의 실크 매직 ) 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 마술렉처 렉처 2016. 7. 28.
Jerry Andrus - Zone Zero Jerry Andrus - Zone Zero( 일반 종이로 연출 하시면 됩니다 ) When you mention tricks created by Jerry Andrus.Several classics of magic come to mind: his Linking Safety Pins, Andrus Card Control, his classic coin routine, Miser’s Miracle are but three. None are more famous, amazing, or popular as his Zone Zero. This routine is totally unique, not difficult to perform, and can be adapted to many situations and t.. 2016. 7. 28.
Kailun Hu - Manipulation Cards Kailun Hu - Manipulation Cards 本公司魔术教学都是塑封精装DVD光盘,发出的每一张光盘保证是全新的没有拆开包装膜的,并且是实物拍摄,您收到的光盘将是和照片上一模一样的,是可以在普通DVD影碟机上播放的。绝不是只能用电脑播放的数据刻录盘,更不是网传的教学。由于本店的教学都是一手货源,所以在本店亲可以让亲花最少的银子选到最低价格的DVD教学。简介:一.如何选牌二.新手入门:基本技法一 单张出现/消失/检查基本技法二 连续出单张牌基本技法三 开扇基本技法四 压力开扇基本技法五 单手开扇三.进阶出牌:进阶技巧一 无限扇进阶技巧二 双手出单张牌进阶技巧三 瀑布开扇进阶技巧四 单手丢扇牌进阶技巧五 缩小牌进阶技巧六 分裂扇与香'烟四.射牌技法:射多张牌(独门密技)特别再收录:弹指射牌/双手出牌/魔棒变香'烟/吐牌/单张极限隐藏出牌(绝对叹为观止)마술렉쳐 렉쳐 마술렉.. 2016. 7. 28.
Kailun Hu - Dance Cane Kailun Hu - Dance Cane 舞台跳棒 简介: 光盘教学内容: 全长1小时24分钟全中文完全教学 一. 完整程序表演 二. 跳棒选择及表演前准备 三. 新手入门: 基本回旋 / 基本摆荡 四. 出场基本变法: 停棒 / 控制权 / 丝巾缠跳棒 / 暂停Q点 五.花式应用: 开场 / 4种花式技法 六. 特殊应用: 手臂跳棒 / 嘴巴控制 七. 高难度特技: 双手控制 八. 颠覆传统应用(独门) 九. 经验分享 特别再收录: 胡凯伦大师NG片段 "支持DVD机播放,有选单"마술렉쳐 렉쳐 마술렉처 렉처 2016. 7. 28.
Lu Chen - Dove Magic Japan Live Lecture Lu Chen - Dove Magic Japan Live Lecture( 비둘기 루틴일본 라이브 렉쳐 입니다 )刘谦最新日本讲座,里面详细讲解了空手出鸽,弹跳火球,鸽子穿牌等多种舞台魔术教学…全部魔术流程都是来自刘谦的创意,而且从未发布•本店所有教学 通过网络传送,拍下记得留下QQ邮箱。在本店购买教学满10元送任意两个2.1元教学,可以累积(如买了18元,下次只需购买2元就可以送两个) 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 마술렉처 렉처 2016. 7. 28.
Raymond Iong Stage Magic Raymond Iong Stage Magic 教学内容包括: 01.二十世纪丝巾、02.白鸽抢彩法、 03.出双伞法、 04.伞与鸽的抢彩法、 05.多伞抢彩法、 06.丝巾生产法与出多伞法、 07.各种传统的舞台出牌法、 08.魔棍起舞法。 •本店所有教学 通过网络传送,拍下记得留下QQ邮箱。浏览了该宝贝的会员还浏览了마술렉쳐 렉쳐 마술렉처 렉처 2016. 7. 28.