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Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 2 Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 2 What happens when a genius like Woody Aragon puts his attention on a principle as powerful as the Si Stebbins stack? The answer: Magic.This is a must-have series for anyone interested in strong, entertaining and impossible card magic, regardless of whether you’re familiar with the stack or not.In volume two of the series, Woody takes the stack to its creati.. 2020. 9. 11.
Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 1 Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 1 What happens when a genius like Woody Aragon puts his attention on a principle as powerful as the Si Stebbins stack? The answer: Magic.This is a must-have series for anyone interested in strong, entertaining and impossible card magic, regardless of whether you’re familiar with the stack or not.In volume one of Woody on Stebbins, the Spanish master will talk.. 2020. 9. 11.
Eric Jones - Metal 5 Eric Jones - Metal 5 Brad wanted a single full-scale DVD that could range from beginner all the way through advanced, and give beautiful instruction along with ALL the moves you could ever want to learn —- including the latest guarded sleights and the most devious moves of the past. When you acquire Metal, you will own a reference guide to becoming great. That much will be obvious. So sit back, .. 2020. 9. 11.
Inaki Zabaletta - Discarded Aces Inaki Zabaletta - Discarded Aces "That's a really beautiful, really smart routine.. incredibly inventive and brand new, CUTTING EDGE STUFF!" - Penn & Teller "Discarding Aces" is a great opener for any card magic routine. Iñaki Zabaletta has developed a very foolish technique that allow a very fair selection procedure, turning this in a little miracle." - Woody Aragon "This wonderful version of t.. 2020. 9. 11.
Benjamin Earl - New Theory Switching Week 1~2 Benjamin Earl - New Theory Switching Week 1~2 Week 1This is the first week of a four week course in the art of invisibly switching cards for real people under real world conditions. Through six hours of online seminars you will learn a revolutionary system for integrating the Double Lift, the Top Change and the Second Deal into one fluid card switching system.You will not only learn more advance.. 2020. 9. 11.
Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 3 Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 3 Week Three: July 19th 2020 Noah (Marlo’s 'Matching Trick) with extra tips Twin Souls Notes on tricks that work well for Zoom shows Calculator Trick Gypsy Queen 2020. 9. 11.
Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 2 Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 2 Week Two: July '12th 2020 Canasta’s Book Test Memory Stunt with a Memdeck Notes on pre-how and troubleshooting Imaginary Card Under Watch Asi's reworking of Tommy Wonder’s Tamed Card 2020. 9. 11.
Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 1 Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 1 Week One:' July 5th 2020 Fine points on the Fan F'orce The Double-Digit Force with new tips XY Deck and Applications Blacks and Reds Separation demonstration Reverse Engineering 2020. 9. 11.
Daniel Madison - The Bottom Deal Masterclass Daniel Madison - The Bottom Deal Masterclass 2020. 9. 11.