All Review5043 Matthew Johnson - Sweet Matthew Johnson - Sweet When Matt Johnson gets caught without his cards, this is his go-to miracle. He performs it everywhere, and the reactions will surprise you. Professional caliber mind-reading that you can do ANYTIME. Just grab some sugar packets and a pen. THAT'S IT. 2021. 7. 16. N2G - Condom to Card N2G - Condom to Card Imagine the moment when you take a condom out of your pocket, how embarrassed ladies would be! Without any cover, this condom will turn into a card! What attracts an audience is that spectator's can sign their names on the card. In fact, this kind of card can be used in performing various kinds of card-magic. First you can give an envelope to your audience and tell them that.. 2021. 7. 16. Wayne Goodman - Prism Stack Wayne Goodman - Prism Stack Have you ever wanted to memorize an entire deck cards? Well, thanks to Wayne Goodman's 'PRISM' stack, you don't have to! This super-simple system will allow you to know with absolute certainty, the exact card at ANY named position between 1 and 52 - INSTANTLY! The power of knowing which card lies at any given numerical position is immense! This has been one of the har.. 2021. 7. 16. Mark Chandaue - Totally Free Will Mark Chandaue - Totally Free Will In 2004 Deddy Corbuzier released his original Free Will routine and it has since become known as a classic of modern mentalism. Mark Chandaue has spent around 10 years developing, refining and exploring new methods and approaches to this famous effect. Some of this thinking has been shared with a handful of close friends and collaborators and included in lecture.. 2021. 7. 16. Erik Casey - The Bill Test Erik Casey - The Bill Test "I can’t believe this wasn’t created 50 years ago.” -Gregory Wilson “Superb!" -Paul Cummins “Erik Casey’s take on U.F. Grant’s bill transposition aces the test. This gimmick manages to allow for a variety of visual and subtle changes that should fit any close-up performer’s style.” -Jared Kopf for Magic Magazine “When I do noncard magic I am incredibly picky and The B.. 2021. 7. 16. Ziv - R Linking Ziv - R Linking This is the magic trick of the linking rubber bands. Magician can link two rubber bands. Not only that, with this gimmick, you can Link a rubber band to a ring! Easy to learn Visual Powerful to the spectators 2021. 7. 16. Hondo - Modern Flap Card Hondo - Modern Flap Card The Flap Card was first introduced in 1922, in Professor R. Kunard’s Book of Card Tricks. In the decades since, it has become a staple in the routines of magicians worldwide, used to produce all sorts of stunning effects. However, limitations of the original 1922 design constrain these performances: magicians must precisely position their audience, keep constant pressure.. 2021. 7. 16. Dan Hauss - Rubberneck Dan Hauss - Rubberneck "What a wonderful effect. The travel looks amazing!" - Joe Rindfleisch "This multiphase routine is gorgeous and easy to learn! Thanks Dan!" - Dr. Cyril Thomas "Fooled me baaad. One of the best impromptu effects I’ve seen in a long time." - Cameron Francis Are you looking for an ultra-visual ring and rubberband routine? A ring is locked onto a rubber band that is twisted ba.. 2021. 7. 16. Guillaume Botta - Chance Guillaume Botta - Chance À partir d’un jeu mélangé, le spectateur choisit une carte au hasard et la place à l’écart, identité gardée secrète. 1er effet : le magicien évoque la chance et coupe le jeu au hasard d’une seule main. Il tombe ainsi sur le deux de coeur. On pourrait croire à un hasard… Mais la carte choisie par le spectateur se révèle être le deux de carreaux, la jumelle. Le hasard devi.. 2021. 7. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 561 다음