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All Review/클로즈업 & 스트릿1930

David Penn - Topit 180 David Penn - Topit 180 From the creative mind of David Penn comes Topit 180 - coined as the 'ultimate' topit, giving you the ability to vanish, steal and ditch into the same device!Topit 180 is like no other. As well as being able to vanish and transform objects like any standard topit, after an object has been transformed or vanished into the topit, it is transited to the holding area at the ba.. 2020. 9. 11.
The Vault - Refraction by Nacho Mancilla The Vault - Refraction by Nacho Mancilla A card change that happens slowly and right in front of their eyes! Your spectator has chosen a card and it is lost back in the deck. Let's say they chose the 6 of Spades. You now show them a different random card, the 4 of Diamonds. You take the random card and place it against any light source. Tell them to look at the refraction (shadows) of the card t.. 2020. 9. 11.
Translation - SansMinds Translation - SansMinds Translation is a work of art for working magicians. With the perfect balance of modern and traditional elements, once you work with Translation, we promise you will never leave home without it. Imagine tearing a corner off of a random card. With your hands completely away from the torn corner, it visually changes to the selected card, COMPLETELY UNTOUCHED. As you build th.. 2020. 9. 11.
Silent Assistant by SansMinds Silent Assistant by SansMinds Everyone dreams of having a stealthy ninja do their dirty work. Quiet and effective. Well, SansMinds has been busy working on a device behind the scenes, and is excited to announce that... NOW YOU CAN! Introducing the Silent Assistant! A devious device that achieves all the effects of a PK ring, with the added benefit of being visually deceptive to the human eye. No.. 2020. 9. 11.
Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 3 Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 3 What happens when a genius like Woody Aragon puts his attention on a principle as powerful as the Si Stebbins stack? The answer: Magic.This is a must-have series for anyone interested in strong, entertaining and impossible card magic, regardless of whether you’re familiar with the stack or not.Volume three features an incredible mini show, which starts with.. 2020. 9. 11.
Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 2 Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 2 What happens when a genius like Woody Aragon puts his attention on a principle as powerful as the Si Stebbins stack? The answer: Magic.This is a must-have series for anyone interested in strong, entertaining and impossible card magic, regardless of whether you’re familiar with the stack or not.In volume two of the series, Woody takes the stack to its creati.. 2020. 9. 11.
Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 1 Woody Aragon - Woody on Stebbins Vol 1 What happens when a genius like Woody Aragon puts his attention on a principle as powerful as the Si Stebbins stack? The answer: Magic.This is a must-have series for anyone interested in strong, entertaining and impossible card magic, regardless of whether you’re familiar with the stack or not.In volume one of Woody on Stebbins, the Spanish master will talk.. 2020. 9. 11.
Inaki Zabaletta - Discarded Aces Inaki Zabaletta - Discarded Aces "That's a really beautiful, really smart routine.. incredibly inventive and brand new, CUTTING EDGE STUFF!" - Penn & Teller "Discarding Aces" is a great opener for any card magic routine. Iñaki Zabaletta has developed a very foolish technique that allow a very fair selection procedure, turning this in a little miracle." - Woody Aragon "This wonderful version of t.. 2020. 9. 11.
Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 3 Asi Wind - Masterclass Live Vol 3 Week Three: July 19th 2020 Noah (Marlo’s 'Matching Trick) with extra tips Twin Souls Notes on tricks that work well for Zoom shows Calculator Trick Gypsy Queen 2020. 9. 11.