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All Review/코인 지폐443

Zamm Wong and Bond Lee - NU FLASH Zamm Wong and Bond Lee - NU FLASH One of the most visual bill effects you can ever do. Imagine -- your spectator signs a card, it is returned to the deck, and the deck is shuffled. You take a $100 bill out of your pocket and magically, you transform the bill into the signed card! The best part is that the spectator can examine this card and keep it as a souvenir! There are many variations that y.. 2017. 4. 6.
Kyle Marlett - Billfold Billfold Kyle Marlett - Billfold Billfold Simple and stunning! On this DVD you'll learn a highly visual effect that allows you to morph credit cards, playing cards, candy wrappers, tickets, and checks into real currency! The objects melt away and change into dollar bills without any perceptible finger movement. Many effects are possible with "Billfold" but this one is our favorite: you wager a dollar tha.. 2017. 4. 6.
Chris Westfall - Cigatration Chris Westfall - Cigatration At Vanishing Inc. Magic we strive to find the best renditions of our favorite routines. Ever thought about doing "Cigarette through Coin"? For us, this is THE version to perform. It has it all: visual, surprising, and utterly clean. The advent of flash paper and keys (as prongs) elevate this trick into a strange and wonderful performance piece. If you perform in bar .. 2017. 4. 6.
Ted Bogusta - Minted Ted Bogusta - Minted A tic tac is placed with an examined quarter in a spectators hand. They squeeze and when they open their hand, they find the tic tac is now inside the quarter! Created by Ted Bogusta. 2017. 4. 6.
Alan Rorrison - Novo Alan Rorrison - Novo Hello and welcome to Novo. This is the bill switch that Alan goes to when he wants to leave his spectators absolutely stunned. Novo lets you take one bill from the spectator and with a wave of your hand you will be able to double or change its value. We wanted you to see Novo exactly like the spectator see it. Not cuts, no fancy edits and no messing about. So here is the Nov.. 2017. 4. 6.
Mickael Chatelain - Money Switch Mickael Chatelain - Money Switch "If I give you a ten euro note, can you turn it into a 20 euro note for me? (or $1 bill to $5 bill, etc.) "I'm sure that both you and I have heard this request zillions of times. "Money-Switch is a result of all that. "I wanted to answer 'yes' to all who asked me that question; I wanted to show them that yes, it's possible. "I wanted simple and natural movements .. 2017. 2. 18.
Alan Wong presented by Rick Lax - Flash Cash Alan Wong presented by Rick Lax - Flash Cash Who wants $2,000? That’s a stupid question. EVERYONE wants $2,000. And THAT’s what makes FLASH CASH such a POWERFUL illusion. IT DOESN’T JUST AMAZE PEOPLE; IT MAKES ‘EM JEALOUS. You show the fronts (AND BACKS) of about 20 pieces of blank gray paper—the same color paper that the new U.S. $100 bills are printed on. Then a single $100 bill appears. THEN .. 2017. 2. 18.
Arthur Chavaudret - Chink Aereo Arthur Chavaudret - Chink Aereo your order is download magic product , send via email, please tell me your email address if you accept Another very important thing !!!! :please check your email's spam if do not find your order in your inbox 2017. 2. 18.
Kainoa Harbottle and Colin McNamara - Fingertip Muscle Pass Kainoa Harbottle and Colin McNamara - Fingertip Muscle Pass The muscle pass is the most elusive coin sleight. It's hard to do and it requires constant practice to maintain it. What Kainoa has developed is an alternative sleight that simulates the same thing--a coin defying gravity--but the move is now performed with the fingertips. You can use this incredible new technique to cause coins to beco.. 2017. 1. 17.