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Chad Nelson - Spread Pass Chad Nelson - Spread PassBefore he created the Clip Shift, Chad Nelson began work on the Spread Pass. 10 years in development, Chad finally tips his own thoughts and finesses behind this truly classical card sleight by Paul LePaul. 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Chris Brown - Venus Trap Chris Brown - Venus Trap Imagine being able to show a single card and invisibly switch it for another. This is just one of the many applications you'll acquire with the Venus Trap. "It's everything a double lift can accomplish, and more...with only a single card." It's one technique that will leave you with the power to control, vanish, change and switch a card. The Venus Trap is an updated hand.. 2016. 7. 16.
Chad Nelson - Svengali Control Chad Nelson - Svengali ControlSvengali Control is an ingenious multiple shift that allows any number of cards to be controlled to the bottom of the deck in the casual manner of a dribble. It's so deceptive, it can even be done at a snails pace with nothing to suspect. 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Dan and Dave - Autocatch Dan and Dave - Autocatch A neat card trick, in the form of a stunt, that will fool your friends into believing what you say you're doing is actually true.One of 50+ original concepts featured on Andthensome. Like what you see? Purchase the full DVD!마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Chris Randall - Phoenix Aces Chris Randall - Phoenix AcesWatch as 4 Jokers appear from thin air only to change into the 4 Aces. In this tutorial you will learn, in detail, the Paul David Change + several unique applications including a version of the classic Phoenix Ace trick by Cliff Green마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Daniel Madison - The Fan Change Daniel Madison - The Fan Change(영상 + 영문책자) The Fan Change by Daniel Madison Available now at DevilsAp.com/Fan.html 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Daniel Madison - The Swing Change Daniel Madison - The Swing Change(영상 + 영문책자)The new impromptu color-change from Daniel Madison Exclusively at DevilsAdvocateProductions.com 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Daniel Madison - The Wheel Change Daniel Madison - The Wheel Change(영상 + 영문책자) The Wheel Change by Daniel Madison Inspired by the 'DB SPIN CHANGE' from the book SLIGHTLY MAGICAL by Dan and Dave Buck at DanAndDave.com 마술렉쳐 렉쳐 2016. 7. 16.
Daniel Madison - M Daniel Madison - M Coffee & Smokes The performer introduces two red-back cards from his pocket and places them face down on the surface. He then tells a tale of association and how he always associates these two cards with coffee and cigarettes as these very cards where used in a trick shown to him by a good friend over coffee and cigarettes. The said friend is explained to be no longer living. .. 2016. 7. 16.