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Yoann.F - LCD6DL Yoann.F - LCD6DL Level : Beginner // Language : EnglishDescription : In this download you will get to learn 6 new doubles. These techniques have the advantage of being very eye-candy and will most certainly seduce your spectators and bring a pinch of modernity to your magic. The download starts with a reminder of the few requirements that will be necessary for you to have mastered in order to le.. 2016. 7. 29.
Yusuke Asada - Eternal Yusuke Asada - Eternal そのあまりにも若過ぎる才能で、新しい時代を予感させた「 Stella 」から二年。“新世代”浅田悠介が、「Eternal」でさらに時代を加速させます。本作に収録されているのは、すべてがクラシックの改案です。アイデアの出尽くされたプロットに、これ以上の進化は望めるのでしょうか。”見たことがあるはずなのに、見たことがない”あなたは、そんな感覚を想像できるでしょうか。”既視感と新世感の倒錯”そう、それはまさに知的な叫び。あなたは、そのエネルギィに圧倒されることでしょう。”自分でなくとも、誰かがつくっていた”それが創作だと言えるのでしょうか。並べかえること?塗りなおすこと?重ねあわすこと?形をこわすこと?そんなものではないはずです。”自分がいなければ、永久に存在しなかっただろう”これこそが本当の創作だとは思いませんか。「Eternal」は、DVDと.. 2016. 7. 29.
Caleb Wiles - Rematch Caleb Wiles - Rematch 3 Knockout Routines. Reworked. Refined. Reloaded. Two years ago we introduced you to Caleb Wiles through his universally-acclaimed booklet, High Spots. Now Wiles is back with three of his most outstanding inventions. 26!: Quite simply, the strongest effect Caleb has ever devised. He closes his shows with this trick. As a bonus, Caleb explains Mark Tams' “M.A.T.E.”, a coinci.. 2016. 7. 29.
Bizau Cristian - Blind Square Bizau Cristian - Blind Square Fresh from the mind of Bizau Cristian comes Blind Square, a brilliant and baffling sleight that can be used as a top control or a bottom control! Your spectator's selected card is placed into the center of the deck. In an instant, with no fishy moves, their card travels to either the top or the bottom of the deck - it's up to you! The Blind Square download not only .. 2016. 7. 29.
Doorway Magic - Gaff: Home Made Gimmick Vol 1 ~ 4 Doorway Magic - Gaff: Home Made Gimmick Vol 1 ~ 4※ 가프 카드 제작 + 가프 카드 렉쳐 ※ A 4 DVD collection that teaches you all you need to know about GAFF cards Have you ever wanted to give out your gaffed card as a souvenir but couldn't? Have you ever wanted to create your own gaff cards? Want to never run out of them? Wait no more! The next generation of gaffed card magic is here! In 2006 the Doorway Magic .. 2016. 7. 29.
Jason England -Foundations 2 Jason England -Foundations 2[ FOUNDATIONS 1 정보 ]The second volume of the critically acclaimed Foundations Series. 7 card handling techniques contained in 3.5 hours of unrivaled instruction by a modern day master - Jason EnglandFOUNDATIONS 2 contains SEVEN hand-picked card handling techniques with intricate, comprehensive studio instruction. Jason England is internationally renowned as a master c.. 2016. 7. 29.
Jean Pierre Vallarino - Fioritures Jean Pierre Vallarino - FiorituresEnfin un DVD en français qui va vous apprendre les toutes premières bases pour aborder les fioritures de cartes.Ces manipulations esthétiques, vous permettront de donner un cachet supplémentaire à vos routines.Rubans, Mélanges, Coupes, éventails, productions… Tout y est!Jean-Pierre Vallarino vous présentera également quelques routines efficaces qui vous permettr.. 2016. 7. 29.
Jean Pierre Vallarino - Comptages Jean Pierre Vallarino - Comptages De nouveau Jean-Pierre s’est attelé à la tache de recenser toutes les manipulations connues appartenant à une même famille : les comptages.Chaque tour de petits paquets (et dieu sait qu’ils sont nombreux) demandent un, voir plusieurs comptages : vous pourrez à loisir étudier celui que vous préférez, ou celui dont vous avez besoin!Au Programme :Techniques : Compt.. 2016. 7. 29.
Bogdan Voicu - The Mirror Transpo Bogdan Voicu - The Mirror TranspoQuick, simple, and direct. Transpose 2 cards in the blink of an eye! Bogdan Voicu brings you his direct and visual 2-card transposition, The Mirror Transpo. You display 2 different cards to your audience and place them face-to-face; slightly askew so that both cards are still visible. With a gentle wave, the cards inexplicably change places. Extremely versatile! .. 2016. 7. 29.