All Review/카드735 Denis Vasiliev - Ace Triumph Denis Vasiliev - Ace Triumph Ace Triumph v1: You start with a Four Ace Production. Then you put the aces back inside of the deck, you clearly and visually shuffle face-up cards into face-down cards. Then you cause all the cards to realign themselves face up.......all except the four aces! You can perform this trick with an ordinary deck of cards. Ace Triumph v2: This is a gimmicked version, that.. 2017. 7. 18. Peter Mckinnon - The Control 80-20 Peter Mckinnon - The Control 80-20 The efficient way to Force and Control at the same time. Peter McKinnon loves simple. Who doesn’t? Fewer steps to achieving a goal is going to be better than taking the long way. Which is where the 80/20 control shines. A simple control that allows you to force a card and control it in a single action. A deck is riffled and a spectator told to call stop. Their .. 2017. 7. 18. Teo Nguyen - Mini Oil and Water Teo Nguyen - Mini Oil and Water A classic trick is remade under my style: Mini Oil and Water. A card is selected and 4 of a kind are left outside. Like other versions of Oil & Water, black and red can not mix. I try to make the effect as beautiful as I can. And with a surprise ending, finally on my hand there is only the selected card Difficulty level: Medium. 2017. 7. 18. Nojima - C3 Nojima - C3 A New Color-Change Technique! In May 2014, NOBUYUKI NOJIMA, a young, yet prolific creator of Japan released a revolutionary new color-change technique. It enables you to change cards visually, with the cards still SPREAD FACE UP and with ONLY ONE HAND! You can use "C3" moves (basic move and several variations) for various effects such as Color Changes, Revelations, Oil & Water, Three.. 2017. 6. 8. Wayne Dobson - Lucky Card The Definitive Guide Wayne Dobson - Lucky Card The Definitive Guide Join Mike Sullivan and Dave Loosley for a definitive look at Wayne’s signature “hands off” effect Lucky Card. The first in a series of definitive guides, you will learn in depth one of the most powerful card tricks out there.Just imagine the spectator shuffles a borrowed deck of cards while you introduce your “Lucky Card”. The spectator then checks .. 2017. 6. 8. Daniel Madison - Color Daniel Madison - Color Kickflip a card into changing color. Wildly visual. Daniel Madison teaches two, hyper-visual color changes that can be done at a moments notice! Learn these deceptive techniques today! 2017. 6. 8. Marco - Crazy Poker Marco - Crazy Poker MARCO 一個喜愛魔術與舞台說唱藝術的表演者,帶著強烈的個人特色及有點瘋狂的搞笑幽默,活耀於校園街頭及各式商業演出,有著無數的企劃及臨場表演主持經歷,因此累積了深厚的互動能力,無論是在各個領域的演出,往往將台上台下的觀眾逗的捧腹大笑毫無冷場! 而他最早由於紙牌而接觸魔術進而愛上魔術,臨場而即席的紙牌魔術結合互動搞笑,這樣的表演方式成為了他的最愛,相信這也是很多紙牌魔術愛好者喜歡的表演方式!現在,MARCO要將他最喜愛的紙牌程序以及技巧毫不藏私的分享給大家!超過一年時間的籌備與構思,搞笑卻不失神奇的紙牌魔術表演,細膩且幽默的第一人稱視角教學,現在要為您呈現的就是"紙牌暴走 雙DVD魔幻紙牌教學"基礎技巧教學 – 你應該要會特別收錄 – 紙牌技巧筆記1. 兩段式假切X32. 三段式假切X23. 印度式洗牌控牌4. 賭徒式洗牌控牌5. 同步控牌6. .. 2017. 5. 15. Lu Chen - Creation Lu Chen - Creation An idea from Lu Chen to finish a production of 4 aces in an unexpected, magical and funny way, where the Ace of Spades is created using the card case. Lu Chen explains how to build the special case and three different and very cool flourishes to produce the first three aces. 2017. 5. 15. Shota Okano - Puzzle Shota Okano - Puzzle 10 Amazing Card TricksAfternoon Ace AssemblyAirBlindFan PeekForesight PredictionForkMidtown JacksPenny's BraidPocket Interlaced VanishTwo for TwoNOTE: DVD is PAL format and may not play on most standard DVD players. 2017. 4. 6. 이전 1 ··· 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ··· 82 다음