All Review/멘탈 매직805 Stephen Leathwaite - The Spiral Principle and Beyond Stephen Leathwaite - The Spiral Principle and Beyond Spiral Principle The Spiral Principle is a new concept in magic that allows you to perform miracles with a borrowed deck of cards.Imagine having a spectator shuffle, freely select a card then lose it back into the deck. Without doing anything, you instantly know what their card is and its location in the deck. Included on the DVD are five kill.. 2016. 7. 28. Mathieu Bich - I Knew It! Mathieu Bich - I Knew It!You show a red deck of cards, take it face up in your hand, and start dealing. Little by little, one by one. The spectator says stop at ANY TIME.The card they say stop on (9 of hearts for example) is placed aside. You show all the cards, they all have a regular red back. When your turn the 9 of Hearts face down, the spectator can see on the back "I knew you would pick th.. 2016. 7. 28. Zoom In Zoom In 教学介绍:08台湾著名魔术师陈冠霖ZOOM IN教学(含飞镖预言教学) 一共7个魔术教学 陈冠霖研讨会出售 刘谦,Richard Mo 一致好评的教学 效果全部都超级棒【飛鏢預言 Darts】 魔術師可以控制牌的位置? 但是飛鏢呢?要射到哪裡可以控制嗎? 這是一個連專業魔術師看到都會百思不解的魔術! 影片示範(“全民估價王”表演) 【念力寫真 Double Vision 】 看過靈異照片嗎?你知道全身毛骨悚然的感覺嗎? 為什麼連知名魔術師劉謙、小林浩平都來向陳冠霖請教其中奧秘? 強烈的戲劇效果讓眾家女星尖叫連連,男星驚慌失措。 這個讓陳冠霖花費不少新台幣研究的魔術,經過多次測試, 讓你不需要浪費冤枉錢,光學這招就回本! 想騙倒專業魔術師?這招一定要學! 【超級預言 Pure Prediction】 曾經主持過無數的魔術單元,也是個對魔術非常有研究的藝人徐乃麟 他在看完了.. 2016. 7. 28. Roberto Mansilla - Eureka Roberto Mansilla - EurekaThis Is The Ultimate ANY CARD AT ANY NUMBER "Roberto has not only successfully stalked the Berglas's Effect, he has captured it. I still favor it among others floating around new." - Jon Racherbaumer "This is the version that you'll add to your repertoire. Completely impossible for the audience, perfectly practical for the magician."- Jim Steinmeyer "Roberto Mansilla's m.. 2016. 7. 28. Richard Osterlind - Live Without A Net Vol 1 ~ 3 Richard Osterlind - Live Without A Net Vol 1 ~ 3 Richard Osterlind Live . . . Without a Net! Richard Osterlind . . . Captured "Live" in Reno, NV! For the first time on DVD, you'll see Richard Osterlind in his natural performing environment, presenting startling mentalism and amazing magic for an audience made up entirely of people who happened to be frequenting a casino in Reno, Nevada. First, y.. 2016. 7. 28. Bedros Akkelian - Sneak Peak Bedros Akkelian - Sneak Peak In 2010, Wayne Houchin hand selected 7 effects created by Bedros Akkelian ("Spidey") for a one of a kind project.These effects were filmed, edited and ready to go. In 2011, theory11 announced the launch of The Wire, the perfect outlet for these effects. This is the SECOND one, with a bunch of extra stuff!SAY GOODBYE TO ALL PEEKS AND TEARS! This peek was designed to e.. 2016. 7. 28. Dee Christopher - Metal Dee Christopher - Metal hot on location in the UK, Titanas presents Dee Christopher's METAL. Teaching the guarded methodology and technique behind his highly visual and impactful metal bending routines, Christopher covers all the ins and outs to take you from a beginner to a pro - seasoned metal benders will also find new techniques and tricks to apply to create maximum damage with minimal pocke.. 2016. 7. 28. Nefesch - Lift Nefesch - Lift Imagine being able to perform endless Mentalism effects using ONE, single method!Imagine that Method being the simplest thing to do!Can you lift your own hand?Imagine being able to know what a person is thinking of by JUST lifting your own hand!Now: STOP imagining. LIFT exists!Nefesch has kept this Mentalism technique, involving one single movement, close to his heart for years.No.. 2016. 7. 28. The Enchantment - Espionage The Enchantment - Espionage Infiltrate your spectators' minds. Totally Impromptu. No Sleight of Hand. Espionage: Secret Intelligence consists of three separate impromptu routines that can stand alone, or be performed in succession making up a full 7-10 minute impromptu performance. This is a sleight-free, gimmickless, spur-of-the-moment, grab whatever you see, and know or predict what the specta.. 2016. 7. 28. 이전 1 ··· 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ··· 90 다음