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All Review/멘탈 매직805

Boris Wild - Perfect Open Prediction Boris Wild - Perfect Open Prediction “As close to perfection in an open prediction as I have ever seen. Simple, deceptive and incredible.“ -Shawn Farquhar, FISM Champion “Boris Wild's P.O.P. fooled me bad… not just once but twice in a row. It is more than just Perfect… It's Brilliant. Buy it and use it.“ -Paul Gertner “Yet again Boris has thought of an effect that's easy to perform and most impr.. 2016. 8. 3.
SansMinds - Prospect SansMinds - Prospect Imagine introducing a single playing card from your pocket without showing anyone the face of the card. Have the spectator call out any card through a process of their imagination. When your spectator reveals the card they're thinking of, you turn the card over to show that the prediction hits. Works EVERY TIME! It's effortless, fail-proof, and there's no sleight of hand. It.. 2016. 8. 3.
Peter Turner - Jinxed Limited Edition Vol 1 ~ 2 Peter Turner - Jinxed Limited Edition Vol 1 ~ 2 This new DVD set is Peter Turner's latest and most practical work to be presented to the magic community. As with much of his material, it's not intended to be owned by everyone. Only 700 sets will ever be produced. If you have ever tried to get hold of material by Peter Turner, you'll know how his training material sells out in record time only to.. 2016. 8. 3.
Looch - Retina Looch - Retina "Solid, tried-and-tested MIRACLES." -Peter Turner "Looch has taken the art of mentalism into the 21st century." -Bob Cassidy "Looch never ceases to amaze me." -Marc Spelmann Look deep into someone's eyes, and KNOW what they're thinking. They'll swear you have a GIFT. 1. Ask someone to IMAGINE ANYTHING and secretly draw it. 2. Looking deep into their eyes, you REVEAL THEIR THOUGHT .. 2016. 8. 3.
Samantha Joy - How to Read Faces The Ultimate Advantage Samantha Joy - How to Read Faces The Ultimate Advantage Learn revolutionary techniques for understanding how people think. Presented By Samantha Joy. If you deal with people you need to watch this video. Imagine the advantages of knowing how another person will think, behave and respond just by looking at their face and the way it�s structured. This video gives you that advantage! Face reading h.. 2016. 8. 3.
Andy Nyman - The Code Andy Nyman - The Code “Oh my god. That fooled me so badly.” –David Regal “Andy tipped The Code to me about 9 months ago. He's now birthed a monster of mind blowing mayhem. This is something I'm going to use as soon as I can pry it from the postman's stubby little fingers.” –Bill Abbott “A few weeks ago I had dinner with Andy Nyman. Over whiskey, he took out a deck and for 15 minutes, fooled me o.. 2016. 8. 3.
Ben Harris - Run Silent Deep Ben Harris - Run Silent Deep Banachek was certainly spot on the money when he said: "Silent Running is so much more than just an effect. It is a powerful subtlety that is a must have for your mentalism tool box!" This book is the proof of the pudding. Over 200 pages of exciting material from around the world. Contributors include: Steve Shufton, Jamie Badman, Colin Miller, Richard Busch, Ben Har.. 2016. 8. 2.
Antonio Romero - IMPost-ItBle Antonio Romero - IMPost-ItBle IM Post-it BLE is a valuable tool for the mentalist. It allows you to access the information written on a Post-It pad in a simple and direct way. A novel and diabolical concept for obtaining the information from a different place from the one it was recorded on, eliminating any suspicion and making your work much easier. Useful for any situation in which you need to.. 2016. 8. 2.
Dexter - Time Stands Still Dexter - Time Stands Still A watch is shown and verified to be in perfect working order. The performer then does the unthinkable by slamming the face of the watch down on the edge of a table! When the watch is turned over the crystal is horribly shattered. Retrieving a small cloth, the performer begins to polish the damaged face of the watch. THE CRYSTAL IS SHOWN TO BE COMPLETELY REPAIRED AND TH.. 2016. 8. 2.