All Review/멘탈 매직805 Joseph B - Chaos Divination Joseph B - Chaos Divination Chaos DIVINATION is a powerful effect! An absolutely normal deck of cards and two impossible predictions. The first prediction is sent to the spectator's cell phone, the second is on the table from the beginning! The magician never looks at the cards! You can use any phone ! In the download you will find everything you need. No sleight of hand ! NO GIMMICK NO FORCE EA.. 2021. 7. 14. Joseph B - Unearthly Joseph B - Unearthly Unearthly is a great routine where the Magician manages to find in his pocket the card only thought by the spectator! Not only that but the deck is shuffled face up and face down and the Magician manages to put everything back in order in its pocket. I always got great reactions from this effect The gimmick can be EASLY found in every magic shop! -Additional supplie may need.. 2021. 7. 14. Joseph B - K. K. E. Joseph B - K. K. E. I got the permission from Mr. Shoot Ogawa to publish this variation to his effect. The result is KK Ending! Killer Kicker Ending is a routine that will leave your spectator very amazed. The only words to describe this incredible effect are "NO way". This effect is a climax of twists. No Gimmick! In the end everything can be examined !! The reset is less than 1 minute! Simple .. 2021. 7. 14. Dani DaOrtiz - Trinity ACAAN Dani DaOrtiz - Trinity ACAAN Welcome to Trinity, Dani DaOrtiz's masterclass on control by making it look like you have absolutely no control. It is the perfect blend of chaos, "free choice," and psychology. In Trinity, cards are randomly handed out and shuffled. One person memorizes a card and then all the cards are returned to the table. Now you take another borrowed deck and have the spectator.. 2021. 6. 20. Juan Tamariz - Heads Up presented by Dan Harlan Juan Tamariz - Heads Up presented by Dan Harlan Predict a coin flip from the other side of the planet. Developed by the master of Verbal Magic, Juan Tamariz, and presented by Dan Harlan, Heads Up is the perfect way to predict a coin flip over Zoom, Skype, even over the phone. Direct from Juan Tamariz’ amazing book Verbal Magic, this effect is a truly remarkable prediction that will leave your au.. 2021. 6. 20. Juan Tamariz - The Human Condition presented by Dan Harlan Juan Tamariz - The Human Condition presented by Dan Harlan Perform a personality reading from the other side of the planet. Developed by the master of Verbal Magic, Juan Tamariz, and presented by Dan Harlan, The Human condition is the perfect way to deliver a personality reading style effect on Zoom, Skype, even over the phone. Direct from Juan Tamariz’ amazing book Verbal Magic, this effect is .. 2021. 6. 20. Juan Tamariz - Temptation presented by Dan Harlan Juan Tamariz - Temptation presented by Dan Harlan Perform an amazing interactive piece of mentalism from the other side of the planet. Developed by the master of Verbal Magic, Juan Tamariz, and presented by Dan Harlan, Temptation is an incredible prediction effect wrapped up inside a presentation of fate and temptation. It’s great to perform on Zoom, Skype, even over the phone. Direct from Juan .. 2021. 6. 20. MindVention 2021 Day 1 MindVention 2021 Day 1 For many years MINDvention was the world’s only open mentalism convention. We would bring together the top performers and presenters working in mentalism with an audience of mentalism pros, semi-pros, and enthusiasts from around the world. For three days, we gathered in Las Vegas to perform, discuss, debate, and share our knowledge about this most fascinating art form. COV.. 2021. 6. 20. Michael Vincent - Brainwave My Way Michael Vincent - Brainwave My Way Perform the greatest gimmick deck trick with a normal deck of cards. Michael Vincent's Brainwave My Way is a perfect way to perform one of the greatest card effects ever with a normal deck of cards. Brainwave My Way ends clean and is very easy to perform. Imagine being able to correctly predict ANY card named by a spectator without a special deck of cards. The .. 2021. 6. 20. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 90 다음