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Jon Racherbaumer - Counthesaurus

by rnsqkfdlsla 2016. 7. 12.

Jon Racherbaumer - Counthesaurus

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This Comprehensive, in-depth, easy-to-understand, alphabetized encyclopedia of FALSE COUNTS and DISPLAYS is now available. Award winning author, Jon Racherbaumer, has compiled over 70 techniques-a virtual vade mecum-into a handy, easy-to-access, eye-arresting reference book. This instantly and literally puts them at your fingertips.

With the advent of packet tricks in the 70's, not to mention all of the innovative close-up card tricks devised in the past 30 years, a remarkable number of false-counting and false-spreading techniques were developed-so many, in fact, that it was difficult to find and keep track of them. Enhanced by over 200 digital photographs, you no longer have to search for or wonder what this-or-that count is or does. This book runs the gamut from Ascanio to Vesser, including the esoteric and arcane techniques buried in our literature.

This book was written by Jon Racherbaumer and is 208 pages long and spiral bound. Included in this book are 81 detailed descriptions to perform sleight of hand tricks such as;

*All-Alike Count,
*Biddle Count,
*Broken-Up Elmsley Count,
*Everchange Count,
*Fingertip Rhythm,
*Gemini Display,
*Ghostover Count,
*Hamman Count,
*Jimmy Cricket Count,
*Kosky Count,
*Marfoe Count,
*Neo Jordan Count,
*Omega Count,
*Pinch Grip,
*Razor-Edge Pivot Count,
*Six-Card Repeat Count,
*Smile Count,
*Tokagi Turnover Coun,
*Unlimited Count,
*Vesser Concept and MUCH, MUCH, MORE!!!

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