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All Review/Tarbell DVD

Dan Harlan - Tarbell 88: Money Magic Part 2

by rnsqkfdlsla 2018. 7. 19.

Dan Harlan - Tarbell 88: Money Magic Part 2

Vincent Sabatino's Bill-Tube Presentation: An unexpected vanish of a signed, borrowed dollar bill Which re-appears inside a lazer pointer!

The Boxed Coins: Coins vanish from your hands, and magically travel inside of an Okito Box.

Tony Spina's Coin Through Table: A nifty move to make a single coin vanish, or penetrate through the table, while seated.

Willie Schneider's Penny Inflation:A penny to changes places with a silver dollar, and then grows in size.

Frank Garcia's Flip-Over Penny: Learn how to command a penny to turn over all by itself on the back of your hand.

A Nickel to Dime Routine: Learn how to take the classic Nickles to Dimes trick and turn it into an impressive transposition.

Ee-Zee Money: Visibly print as much genuine currency as you wish using an easy-to-make printing plate.

Hair, There and Everywhere: You'll see how to animate a borrowed bill using nothing but an imaginary thread which you wrap up for your helper to keep.

No Lapping Coins Through Table: A fantastic coins through table routine that can be done while standing.

The Travelers: A hand-to-hand coins across with a few nice surprises.

Lenny Greenfader's Traveling Coins Addition: A coin catching stunt that slightly increases the level of difficulty for a big ending.

Alan Alan's Decimated Coin Trick: Two of your valuable, collectible coins vanish at your fingertips to reappear back in their protective folder.