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All Review/Tarbell DVD

Dan Harlan - Tarbell 76: Mind Reading Mysteries Part 1

by rnsqkfdlsla 2018. 6. 9.

Dan Harlan - Tarbell 76: Mind Reading Mysteries Part 1

Parrish's Telepathic Drawings: A drawing duplication routine that uses ungimmicked clipboards to secretly get a peek.

Sterling-Tarbell Astrological Mindreading Act: An incredibly clever method to obtain and reveal all kinds of information. This routine could be converted into an entire mind reading act.

Sydnery Bergson's Thought Anticipation: Impossibly divine a thought of listing from an ungimmicked book.

Royal Message Reading: A quick, easy way to glimpse written information trapped between two cards.

Sid Lorraine's Dictionary Message Reading: A direct method to know any word chosen from a pocket dictionary.

Tarbell "Wrapped Card" Message Reading: You'll learn how to see what's written on a card completely wrapped in a piece of paper.

Long Strip Billet Reading: A variation to center tear a long strip of paper.

Gerald Kosky's Prediction: Add a number prediction using a post-it note pad.