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Ben Cummings - Conversations With Mind Readers

by rnsqkfdlsla 2016. 8. 4.

Ben Cummings - Conversations With Mind Readers



( MP3 로 발매 되었습니다 )



Hard core mentalism interviews with 32 of the greatest mind readers on the planet.

Be honest. Aren’t you sick and tired of hearing people say “Gee that was a neat trick”? What if, instead, there were a way to present your mentalism that left people seriously wondering – “Did I just see the real thing?” I’m not talking about “pick a card” tricks you learned when you were a kid. I’m talking about mentalism that is so personal… so intimate… that it really moves people. Mentalism that shakes them to the core. The kind of experience that is unforgettable and stays with them long after you’re gone.

Wouldn’t you like to do mentalism with that level of power and impact?

That is what you will learn inside Conversations With Mind Readers. Nothing like it has ever been achieved in the history of magic or mentalism. I interviewed 32 of the top mind readers on the planet. Quite literally, the all-time greats in the field of mentalism.

People who sold out Broadway with their mind numbing miracles. People who have appeared on national and international television. People who regularly perform in front of thousands of people and appear on morning shows, radio shows, and whose livelihoods depend on convincing people that their skills are real. Inside Conversations With Mind Readers, the best in the world discuss their secrets on the fine art of stealing thoughts and how to make it appear like the real thing.

Richard Osterlind recently said, “Conversations with Mind Readers is one of the greatest investments you can make if you are serious about your art.” When one of the all-time greats in the history of mentalism makes such a statement, perhaps there’s good reason.

Introducing: The Legendary Underground Project, Featuring the Greatest Group of Mentalists Ever Assembled.

When Conversations With Mind Readers was released (ten years ago), it was only available for a short time then I decided to remove it from the market. It was a limited release of 500 copies and when 50% were sold, I discontinued selling it for various personal reasons. Many years later, people still talk about the scope and impact of Conversations With Mind Readers. People continued to track me down by email and ask if they could obtain a copy, but my answer for years was “sorry it’s not available.”


After a decades absence, I am re-releasing Conversations With Mind Readers to a new generation of mentalists. If you missed this ten years ago, here’s one more chance to own what some have called “the best mentalism interviews in the history of our field.” Every interview has been remastered and the collection is available once again. I have also invested in quality new CD-ROM packaging. Here’s a picture of the CD-ROM’s containing 32 interviews on MP3, that you receive by mail with your purchase of Conversations With Mind Readers:

What Will You Discover inside Conversations With Mind Readers?

This program is about PERFORMING incredible mentalism. There are hundreds of books and videos that teach you the tricks. But until now, no one has assembled a collection of the world’s best mentalists to teach you how they present mentalism in such a way as to make people truly believe they possess unusual powers.

Here’s what Chuck Hickok, author of Mentalism Incorporated said about Conversations With Mind Readers…

“This is a graduate work in PERFORMING mentalism.” Chuck Hickok


This is the biggest difference between magic and mentalism: the impact on the spectators belief, that what they’re seeing might be real. If all you’re seeking is to learn a collection of neat party tricks to perform for Aunt May, then this exclusive program isn’t for you. Oh yes, you’ll find many ingenious methods and powerful effects discussed throughout. But this isn’t about tricks.

It’s like a Graduate Course in Performing Stunning Mentalism. It’s about learning the REAL WORK behind the performance and art of mind reading and mentalism.

“Where else can you sit down with over 30 of the greatest minds in mentalism and have them instruct you, with constant access to their knowledge and insights any time you choose?” Kenton Knepper


What these greats in mentalism shared in these interviews was incredible. Imagine learning how to instantly guess someone’s zodiac sign. That’s what Ted Karmilovich demonstrates. Imagine guessing someone’s three digit number they’re thinking about. That’s what Richard Busch demonstrates. Imagine learning how one of the busiest mind readers on the plant routines his show and structures effects in such a way that people really believe they’re seeing someone psychic. That’s what Marc Salem, Craig Karges, Andy Nyman, Banachek, John Riggs, and others revealed for the first time.

Don’t take my word for it.

What Mentalists Are Saying About Conversations With Mind Readers

“Conversations with Mind Readers is one of the greatest investments you can make if you are serious about your art. There is nothing like hearing top professionals discuss what is most important to them about mentalism. You will hear the passion in their voices and know what they are saying comes from a lifetime of experience. If you don’t get Conversations with Mind Readers now, you will regret it later.” — Richard Osterlind

“There are thousands of mentalism effects. However it is your ability to turn that effect into a mind blowing miracle, that makes them believers. Conversations With Mind Readers teaches you that. I consider this project to be the single most important of its kind to ever be released to the mentalism community and I recommend it highly.” — Geoff Ronning

“Where else can you sit down with over 30 of the greatest minds in mentalism and have them instruct you, with constant access to their knowledge and insights any time you choose? What is that worth to you? What would it cost you in reality? This set is allows the impossible to become a reality for you.” — Kenton Knepper

“Do whatever you must to purchase this fantastic collection of wisdom from 32 members of our community. I am so proud to be among those who were interviewed. He and his product demonstrate what a class act is all about.” — Anton Zelman

“These interviews are brilliant! I truly think this work is one of the best out there. All I can say is, get this set while you can!” — Banachek

“Conversations With Mind Readers is is the best and most useful mentalism product of any kind I have EVER purchased. — Dr. Bill Cushman

“You will garner thousands of dollars more in tips and ideas from these interviews than you would get from a dozen conventions. I highly recommend them and give them 5 STARS AND TWO THUMBS UP.” — Paul Alberstat

“These interviews are a “graduate course” in PERFORMING mentalism.”- Chuck Hickok

And you can peruse all of the forum posts that have been made throughout the years, referencing the impact that Conversations With Mind Readers has had in our field. Again, don’t take my word for it because I’m clearly biased. Do your own due diligence and I am sure you will be convinced for yourself. Now, let’s discuss something important…

Who This is Appropriate For and Who It’s NOT

If you can imagine a giant brain dump of the best kept performance secrets, straight from their minds to yours, then you’ll have a good idea what this program is all about. This is advanced stuff that will forever change the way you deal with spectators. This material is suited for serious performers and students of the art. We assume you’re familiar with basic mentalism concepts which are touched upon in the interviews. Conversations With Mind Readers is about dramatically improving your ability to perform mentalism and mind reading. Therefore this program is not intended for beginners. If you are just transitioning into mentalism and don’t know what a billet sw**ch or a n**l wr**er is, and the like, then this is probably over your head and you are best suited to start with the classics such as Corinda’s 13 Steps to Mentalism. At this point I am sure you’re wondering…

Who are the Masters you’ll be learning from?

You will be getting 32 hard-core interviews. Over thirty-eight hours of discussion. Here’s the list of mind readers that you’ll be learning from inside Conversations With Mind Readers

* Richard Osterlind: Richard is considered one of the most brilliant minds in mentalism. His L & L Publishing releases have been one of the most successful releases in mentalism ever! Why? Because this man knows what he’s talking about. In this lively discussion, youíll learn how Richard thinks about mentalism, how he routines a show, and secrets and tips that only a pro could give you. Priceless information.

* Ted Karmilovich: The inventor of The Mother of All Book Tests is considered one of mentalism’s brightest minds. He is a consultant to most of the big names in mentalism around the globe and this interview is a favorite of many!

* Barrie Richardson: is the author of the best-selling book, Theater of the Mind, a book considered one of the top 3 mentalism books in the last 100 years. In this rare interview, Barrie and I discuss for the first time many concepts he is now famous for!

* John Riggs: John is a prolific author and brilliant thinker. His Brown Hornet and Skeeter are used by many top pro’s. His books and effects are lauded as brilliant and innovative. On this information-packed interview, you’re sure to be spell bound by John’s devious thinking. I sure was.

* Ted Lesley: The late Ted Lesley was Germany’s best known mentalist. For four decades Ted stunned audiences around the world with his mind reading act. Ted and I discuss many mentalism related topics and he shares some of his favorite tips. Ted will be missed and I personally loved this interview with him.

* Marc Salem: Marc has performed his one man show to sell out crowds on Broadway, the Sydney Opera House and around the world. In this rare interview, Marc shares what it takes today to perform mentalism that moves people.

* Banachek: is highly respected for his books, Psychological Subtleties, PK Touches, his PSI Video Series released by L & L and numerous others. As well as being a paid consultant to the top mentalists and magicians around the globe. This is a VERY popular interview, for good reason.

* Christopher Carter: Christopher is one of the busiest pro’s out there. His long running summer show in Chicago has received rave reviews. A rare interview with one of mentalism’s busiest and brightest.

* Craig Karges: Craig does over 200 shows a year and is considered the top College Circuit pro. On this revealing interview, Craig discusses his feelings about how mentalism should be presented and provides excellent tips that only a pro can give.

* Richard Busch: Richard is best known for his book Peek Performance. He also demonstrates one of his now-famous mentalism effect. A lively interview!

* Bruce Bernstein: Those “in the know” consider Bruce to be one of the geniuses of mentalism. His hard to find works are sought after by mentalists around the world. Bruce reveals his superb thinking throughout this interview. One of my favorites!

* Paul Alberstat: Paul has been a professional performer for 20 years, including having a television show for 8 years in Canada. Paul’s professionalism shines during this interview and if you’re into “branching anagrams” you’ll get to hear Paul’s brilliance at work!

* E. Raymond Carlyle: Raymond performed the legendary seance at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA for many years. Carlyle reveals many insights during our in depth interview! Listen from a pro who’s done it all in mentalism.

* Rex Sikes: Rex is known for his mastery of NLP and hypnotic language. He was co-creator of Wonder Readings. You’ll hear how he applies his knowledge of mentalism to produce stunning results.

* Doug Dyment: Doug is the author of Sign Language, Mindsights, and many other superb works. He’s a brilliant thinker in the world of mentalism and one of the “good guys” in our field.

* Greg Edmonds: Is a busy pro and top notch mentalist. Greg tips many performance insights sure to be of extreme value to every performer.


But wait, there’s more. In Volume 2 you’ll discover…



* Andy Nyman – the “man behind the scenes” of many Derren Brown television and stage shows. Andy’s mentalism effects are killer and in this interview he explains how to perform mentalism in the real world.

* Kenton Knepper: Kenton is of course known for his Wonder Words program, which started a revolution in the field of mentalism. You’ll learn all about Kenton’s mastery of linguistic deception, how and why to give your mentalism meaning, and much more.

* Steve Cohen: This master performer has performed in London, the San Francisco Ritz-Carlton, and his regular home atop the grand Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. His clients include billionaires and millionaires. Further, his thinking on the effective ways to perform mentalism are innovative and will forever change the way you perform mind reading!

* Brad Henderson – expert on cold reading and mentalism; author of The Dance and many other works.

* Guy Bavli – the famous Israli metal bender and busy mentalist.

* Lee Earle the legendary founder of Syzygy and numerous well regarded mentalism effects, videos. He is obviously a legend and if you’re a fan of Lee Earle, you will love this interview.

* Lars-Peter Loeld is an extremely successful corporate mentalist who earns his living delivering his Mind Games show around the world.

* Alain Bellon: Everyone in Mexico knows Alain. As a child he began appearing on television performing psychic feats. Today, he’s one of the brightest minds in mentalism. His new approach to mentalism is making big waves around the world. His limited release manuscript “Obsidian Oblique” sold out within 3 days and is the hottest underground release in a decade. In this interview, Alain discusses for the first time his theories on performing, how to best present an effect as a miracle, billet methods, and more. You are going to love this interview.

* Mr. X: This high profile mentalist performs a long running mentalism show in a MAJOR city; he had a nationwide TV special released that put him on the map. He wanted to participate in this interview but did not want me to use his real name. Throughout this interview I call him P.J. All I can say is this interview is hot, hot, hot!

* Chuck Hickok: is the author of the excellent book, Mentalism Inc. and is a frequent performer in the corporate market, presenting his mind illusions to large and medium sized businesses. He’s also one of my favorite mentalists! You’re going to love our interview.

* Tony Razzano: is a very active performer, writer, and frequent contributor to some of the top mentalism publications.

* Anton Zellman: top trade show mentalist and savvy entertainment businessman shares what it takes to make it big as a performer. Wait till you hear how much Anton makes per show; it will expand your mind of what is possible. It’s sure to motivate and inspire you.

* Allen Zingg: Author, inventor of the Theta Portfolio, billet techniques, and frequent contributor to numerous mentalism works in our field. We discuss many of Allen’s unique insights and strategies on mind reading and his approach to performing.

* Gerard Senehi: is a VERY busy close up performer of mentalism. He has appeared on the Ellen, Carson Daily Show, has made numerous media appearances around the country and specializes in “pk mentalism.” A rare interview.

* Joe Atmore on the Amazing Dunninger: The amazing Dunninger was the greatest mentalist of the 20th century. Yet his methods remain a mystery – until now. Joe Atmore has spent 20 years analyzing Dunninger’s methodology. He has unearthed the secrets to why he was so hugely successful. He ripped apart all aspects of the man, so we could gain valuable insight that we can apply to our own performances. In this revealing interview, we discuss the life and times – and some methods – of the greatest mentalist on earth, Joseph Dunninger. A terrific interview.

* Mark Strivings: This man needs no introduction. He’s a full time mentalist and hypnotist who is one of the most respected performers out there. His Sight Unseen Case (peek wallet) must be the biggest selling peek wallet in history. His books and videos are loaded with killer ideas. For the first time, Mark discusses his ideas on routining, the best way to present mentalism, and much more.

How Much to Obtain a Copy of Conversations With Mind Readers?

What do you get exactly? You are physically mailed two CD-ROM’s that contain 32 interviews on MP3, remastered audio, in professional packaging. The total price is $195 (plus s/h). That is quite a value considering the sheer volume of material you’re getting. That works out to only $6 per interview. Similar commensurate interviews in our field are released at a cost of $20-$30 each, which represents $640-$960 in value that you’re getting here.

I will spare you the fake scarcity ploys. The terms of this limited re-release are simple. I have 250 sets left to offer the community. When those sets are all sold, this webpage will be removed. Simple as that.

Let’s wrap this up: If you’re into mentalism, if you’re passionate about elevating your effects and making them insanely better, if you want to blow people away with your mind reading skills and… if want to take your skills to the “next level”, then this is not only a relative “bargain”, but this will also be one of the best investments you have made in mentalism. That’s the best “pitch” that I can give you, to persuade you of how extraordinary this project is. You’ve seen the people who partook in this project. You’ve seen what the best in our field have said about Conversations With Mind Readers. Now the choice is yours. I hope you cherish Conversations With Mind Readers as much as I have making it. To purchase click the button below:




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