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Aldo Colombini - Standing Room Only

by rnsqkfdlsla 2016. 7. 4.

Aldo Colombini - St anding Room Only

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Magic for stand-up and walk-around performers with effects that do no t require a table!

Fifteen routines with cards, coins, rubber bands, sponge balls, rope, f inger rings, bills, jumbo cards and even a carpenter’s ruler!

Including: CHINESE PURSE: A Chinese coin appears on a rope between two knots!

RING UP: A borrowed ring is knotted onto a rope. Magically, the ring becomes free, leaving the knot on the rope!

< P align=left>Y2K DECK: Your si gnature and the spectator’s signature change places and then appear both on the same card from a totally blank deck!

PICK ME, PICK ME NOT: Two spectators each select a ca rd from a packet of jumbo cards and they are the only two cards with the words P ick Me on the backs,

while the other cards have the words: You Won’t Pick Me!

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THE PYRAMID: A rubber band finds a selected card!

PRINTING AHEAD: You print a back on one card, a face on anothe r card, then the two cards melt together forming the selected card!

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HALF BINDING: You borr ow a dollar bill and tear it in half. Then, after a brief routine using the two pieces, you restore it in the hand of a spectator!

SPONGE AWAY: Great magic happens with t hree sponge balls that pass from your hand to the spectator’s hand!