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Peter Marvey - Card Thru Window

by rnsqkfdlsla 2016. 7. 2.

Peter Marvey - Card Thru Window

Objects visibly jump through any window or simply appear outside, tightly taped to the glass.

Not sure which version to buy (John Kennedy released an effect which sounds suspiciously like ours...),
click for full comparison chart!

Watch this!
Any spectator chooses a card which is then marked by tearing off a corner.
Hold the card to the center of a window and count to three: The card visibly jumps through the glass of the window and is found to be safely taped on the outside!!! Any spectator opens the window, removes the card and checks it: It's the chosen card!

Cards suck?
Works with Photos, post cards, predictions, envelopes, business cards, rings, coins, bills, click for detailsCDs etc.

The complete set with gimmicks accessories and training video.

A miracle!
Not only do objects visibly jump through any window but it's virtually impossible to explain how this miracle might have happende:

card is multi-taped to window from all sides
spectator opens window and removes card
any size window, any floor, any building
self-contained; no stooges or assistants
no clues found outside or on card
window is in full view at all timescard can be marked with corner tear etc.
even locked windows will work
card jumps visibly
quick and simple set-up

Professional Set:
Box of goodies:Gimmicks, Accessory, Performing rights
Video: Movie starring Peter Marvey as a paparazzi-ridden star defending his life with an 8 of hearts. Complete step by step instructions, constructional information and a vast amount of additional ideas and tips for lots of other objects and situations