All Review/클로즈업 & 스트릿

Justin Miller - Asunder

rnsqkfdlsla 2017. 1. 4. 17:42

Justin Miller - Asunder

A card is freely selected, and signed by you and your spectator. One portion is folded and torn off, in a kind of joking manner you explain that every single person ask you the same thing:

Them:"can you put it back together?"

You:ummm no (laugh), BUT I can make it LOOK like it is back together.

Not happy with that answer you place the signed piece backwards on the other signed half, you take out a lighter, you light the middle part of the two pieces, and with NO COVER the card is fully restored and can be handed out INSTANTLY! NO palming. NO switch of the card. SUPER EASY. The card is in full view from start to finish. They keep the card afterwards. You start and end totally clean. Multiple methods for a wide range of skill level. A SUPER POWERFUL presentation where you get their number and they get yours.