Chris Brown - The Bands
Chris Brown - The Bands
Episode Vl – The Bands. Rubber band magic draws out a spectator reaction unlike anything you could achieve with cards.
This download will be about bringing you to that next level. One of my walk around routines consists of the bands. Most people have seen cards effects but the moment I pull out the rubber bands something changes. They no longer have a point of reference where they can say “I saw a rubber band magician once, I think I know what you’re about to do.” They don’t. When I started card magic, I also started coin magic, rubber band magic and other impromptu in the hands, walk around material. In my opinion, if you can take an everyday object that people are familiar with and then change their perspective on it, the reaction will be stronger. If you show them a crazy stage routine they’ll think “Well, there could be a bunch of things I don’t know about going on here.”
The reactions I have received from rubber bands is probably my favorite. They’re not complimenting me on skill or being skeptic about a card trick. They are simply fooled at this visual candy. They have no idea how this works. If you’re looking for 100 tricks to do with rubber bands you might want to look elsewhere. In this download I provide 4 parts of a routine that I’ve been doing for over 7 years. Each phase fades right into the next. Done completely right in front of their eyes. The traditional “Crazy man’s hand cuffs” is awesome.
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